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POR FESR 2014-2020
POR FESR 2014-2020
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Interuniversity Consortium, CINECA, is the largest data centre in Italy, one of the most important on a global level. It supports the scientific community via Supercomputing and its applications, produces management systems for university administrators and for the Ministry of University and Research, designs and develops IT systems for Public Administration, health and businesses.

CNAF is the main computing center of INFN (National Institute of Nuclear Physics). It is responsible for the management and development of the main computational and data management services supporting INFN. Since 2003, CNAF has hosted the Italian Tier-1 for the High Energy Physics experiments at the Large Hadron Collider in Geneva, providing resources, support and the necessary services for data storage, distribution, and data analysis activities.
To be hosted

BI-REX is one of the 8 national Competence Centers established by the Ministry of Economic Development in the framework of “INDUSTRIA 4.0” Italy’s national Plan for Industry, with specialized focus on Big Data. It supports companies' technological innovation processes, adoption of Industry 4.0 enabling technologies, exchange of "best practices" and Technology Transfer.

Interuniversity Consortium, CINECA, is the largest data centre in Italy, one of the most important on a global level. It supports the scientific community via Supercomputing and its applications, produces management systems for university administrators and for the Ministry of University and Research, designs and develops IT systems for Public Administration, health and businesses.

Euro-Mediterranean Centre on Climate Change. Scientific research foundation realises studies and climatic system models and interactions with the society to better understand the climatic system, to stimulate sustainable growth, to protect the environment and to develop policies of adaptation and mitigation.

European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts is an intergovernmental organisation with headquarters in Reading, UK, and offices in Bologna, Italy, and Bonn, Germany. It operates using one of the most powerful Supercomputers in the world, to implement meteorology research activities and services mainly dedicated to its State Members and global users. The Centre hosts one of the world's largest meteorological data archives.

National agency for new technology, energy and the development of a sustainable economy, public research body operating in the fields of energy, the environment and new technologies supporting competitiveness and sustainable development policies. ENEA has 9 research centres in Italy, one of the largest is located in Bologna, and owns an important GRID infrastructure for Supercomputing and Information and Communication Technology services.

International Foundation Big Data and Artificial Intelligence for Human Development connects the world of academia with industry to stimulate innovation and the evolution of society towards sustainable development models. IFAB is able to outline the prospects of scientific and technology development, serving as an independent reference point, internationally esteemed for businesses interested in themes of Big Data, Artificial Intelligence, HPC and Quantum Computing.

IOR - Istituto Ortopedico Rizzoli
Rizzoli Orthopaedic Institute is an institute of Research, Hospitalisation and Healthcare (IRCCS), a research hospital on prevention and treatment of musculoskeletal disorders. It represents an excellence in the healthcare sector at national and international level. It carries out industrial translational research, in particular in the application of general diagnostics, pharmacology and nutraceutics, material and computer science.

CNAF is the main computing center of INFN (National Institute of Nuclear Physics). It is responsible for the management and development of the main computational and data management services supporting INFN. Since 2003, CNAF has hosted the Italian Tier-1 for the High Energy Physics experiments at the Large Hadron Collider in Geneva, providing resources, support and the necessary services for data storage, distribution, and data analysis activities.

Founded in 2021, the Italiameteo agency unifies and coordinates Italian National Meteorological bodies. It is organised in four large areas: services such as meteorological forecasting and climatology assessments and sea conditions; observing data in real-time and its dissemination; research and development and management of meteorological monitoring networks, information networks and the administrative area.

XC ICSC Italian Centre of Super Computing
XC ICSC Italian Centre of Super Computing